Curated Initiatives
Thriver’s platform helps companies discover, book, and manage all workplace culture services. Discover services ranging from office catering, snacks, team building, professional development, and office design. Thriver’s services help you attract and retain top talent for teams that are in-office, remote, or hybrid.
Canditech helps companies to increase their pool of candidates, identify hidden talents and hire the best people faster using tailor-made job simulation tests, which are the best predictor of job suitability.
Anywhere is providing an enterprise solution for hybrid working model (ie- Work from Anywhere).
We are live (Beta) in Tel Aviv with several leading tech companies.
Looking for SDR/CS Candidates?
Amit4Life is a non-profit initiative, created to help former lone soldiers to integrate in the Israeli tech scene for SDR/CS positions tailor made to to company's needs